How To Make A Car Accident Claim

Posted on: 18 August 2020

Car accidents are every driver's nightmare. It is especially so since most drivers do not have an idea of how to process car accident claims. The truth is, most insurance companies have a simple claims process. Below is a guide on how to handle a car accident claim. Contact the insurance company or your insurance broker immediately the accident occurs. Most insurance companies will ask you not to accept blame. The company will also provide towing services to an accredited mechanic.
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All You Need To Know About Personal Injury Claims

Posted on: 28 May 2019

If you have incurred an injury due to the negligence of another person, you have the right to demand compensation. In the article below, you will learn more about personal injury claims.  When should you make a personal injury claim?  In Australia, personal injury claims made three years after the incident are considered void. Preferably, make the claim immediately after the incident or once you link your injuries to another person's negligence.
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What to Know about Financial Agreements During Divorce

Posted on: 28 May 2019

When you begin your divorce process, you will notice that your family lawyer mentions financial agreements. You may be wondering what these agreements are, the coverage under these agreements and how these family law agreements hold up over time for both you and your future ex-spouse. Here are a few things to know about these agreements before you enter into them. Property Ownership One of the leading ways that couples use financial agreements during a divorce is to determine and mark property ownership.
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Going through Separation? Should You Bring the Kids into Any Discussion?

Posted on: 3 December 2018

In an ideal world, a separation would be completely amicable, easy to sort out and swift. It wouldn't involve any ill will, bad temper or raised voices, and it certainly wouldn't cause the kids any consternation. However, despite the best intentions of the adults, this is rarely the case and most well-meaning individuals will try and avoid the negative effects as they pertain to the children. Consequently, they may often conduct these negotiations far away from the children to try and protect them, but this is not necessarily the best approach.
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