Challenging a DUI Charge

Posted on: 23 February 2017

A Driving Under the Influence (DUI) conviction could have serious consequences. If you are found in charge of a vehicle while having a blood-alcohol concentration of 0.05 grams of alcohol per 100ml, you will be charged with DUI. The penalties for a DUI conviction differ from state to state. In New South Wales, depending on the level of intoxication and previous offenses, the punishment can range from a $1,100 fine and a suspension of your driving licence to 18 months imprisonment.
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What Do You Have To Consider Before Filing Bankruptcy

Posted on: 22 February 2017

If your financial situation has overtaken you, you may have started to research your bankruptcy options. As you may know, this is quite a complicated area of law, but usually people want to know exactly what's going to happen to their income, their assets, their credit rating and often, their freedom to travel. What do you need to consider before you go ahead with this course of action? Assets One of the biggest worries that people have is that they will lose all of the assets that they have accumulated and that this will essentially make them destitute.
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What You Should Do If Charged with Driving While Disqualified

Posted on: 22 February 2017

Many people need to drive on a daily basis in order to get back and forth to work or to otherwise go about their business. They may understand that this is not a right but a privilege and that they have to conform to various laws as they do so. However, some people think that they have the right to drive on Australian roads, no matter what, even if they'd been disqualified from doing so.
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7 Warning Signs of Nursing Home Abuse or Negligence

Posted on: 22 February 2017

With the number of people living in nursing homes rising rapidly due to the aging population, compensation claims for nursing home negligence and abuse are becoming more common. However, many relatives don't know how to tell if an elderly relative is being abused or neglected in a nursing home. If you are worried about a friend or family member, here are seven warning signs to look out for. 1. Unexplained Injuries
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